Article 31 Where a QDII carries out the securities investment outside the territory of China, it shall follow the related laws and regulations as prescribed by the local surveillant organ and the local stock exchange. 第三十一条境内机构投资者的境外证券投资,应当遵守当地监管机构、交易所的有关法律法规规定。
The traditional PSTN was based on an analog connection between the customer premises and the local exchange, also called the local loop. 传统的PSTN是建基于客户住宅及本地交换机楼之间的一个类比连接,亦称为本地回圈。
Since the Asian financial crisis, Hong Kong has also had an "uptick rule", which requires that a short sale cannot be made on the local stock exchange below the best current asking price. 自亚洲金融危机以来,香港还实施了“提价交易规则”,禁止在低于当前最高叫价的情况下在香港交易所卖空股票。
They can only raise Hong Kong dollars on the local stock exchange and need government approval to remit the proceeds back to China for conversion into renminbi. 它们只能在当地股票交易所募集到港元,而且只有获得政府批准,才能将发行所得汇回内地、换成人民币。
Currencies-automatic currency converter which uses local exchange rates. 货币-自动汇率转换器,它利用当地汇率。
My friend was there on a cold February morning the day after the local stock exchange had fallen 9 per cent, spooking the rest of the world's markets. 在2月份一个寒冷的早晨,也就是上海股市下跌9%、震动了全球其它市场的第二天,我的朋友正在那里练习。
A telephone cable from a local exchange to a central exchange. 一种从本地交换局到中心交换局的电话电缆。
Forbes estimates take into account company valuations on the local stock exchange, which has rebounded 80 per cent since March, dividend flows and private assets. 《福布斯》在估算时会考虑企业在当地证交所的市值(自去年3月以来香港股市已经回升了80%)、股息收入和私人资产。
Subject to cash availability and local foreign exchange regulation. 须视乎现金供应量及当地货币兑换条例。
This at least provided people and companies with a place to finally park their accumulated renminbi, which previously they could only change at local exchange shops. 这至少终于为个人和企业提供了放置人民币存款的地方,此前,他们只能在当地的兑换商店进行兑换。
A bearer channel connection protocol establishes and de-establishes bearer connections required on demand, identified by the signalling information, under the control of the Local Exchange. 承载通路连接协议在本地交换机的控制下根据需要来建立和清除承载连接,该连接由信令信息来标识。
Clan: Pa three Zhida responsible for promoting war to teach novice players as well as local exchange; 战队成员:负责推广霸三国志大战,教导新手以及与各地玩家的交流;
The Local Exchange Potential for Low-energy Electron Scattering(ⅰ)& Electron Scattering from He, Ne and Ar Atoms 低能电子散射中的定域交换势(I)电子被He,Ne和Ar原子的散射
It argues that the unique function of Ritual systems in local cultural exchange by pointing the southward trend of Ritual systems in Tang& Song era and their absorption of southern cultures. 第三章,礼制与唐宋文化大一统局面的发展,通过重点论证礼制在唐宋时期的南移以及对南方文化特点的吸收,论证了礼制在沟通区域文化的过程中发挥着不可替代的作用。
This is significant in local economic exchange and national consolidation in the inland and southwestern remote areas. 这在内地与西南边远地区文化经济交流与民族团结方面意义重大而深远。
Two areas are covered in this article: local data exchange and remote data exchange. 涉及了本地数据交换和网络数据交换两种方式。
In heat transfer simulating device of CDQ chamber with fixed bed, by means of inverse problem principle of heat conduction the local heat exchange factor of coke bed is obtained. 在固定床干熄炉传热模拟装置中,利用导热反问题原理得到了焦炭床层的局部换热系数。
Performance simulation analysis of the local Internet exchange center 本地互联网交换中心性能仿真研究
On the basis of analysing the relationship between various expenditure of instalment construction and enlarge capacity of local exchange. It develops a linear programming model and algorithm. 在分析了市话交换设备在分期建设中各项费用与扩容量的关系及其它有关因素的基础上,建立了市话交换设备分期建设的线性规划模型,并给出了模型的求解方案。
The Uses of Network Technique in Making Line Maintenance Plan of a Local Telephone Exchange 网络技术在编制市话局线路维护计划中的应用
A Study of the Interface Technologies Between Access Network and Local Exchange 接入网与本地交换机间接口技术的探讨
To achieve a consensus, intelligent between body need to undertake local in-formation exchange. 为了实现一致,智能体之间需要进行局部的信息交换。
The solution analyze the interface and the session of the FIX protocol, when receive the request of QFII, it can convert the packets to the local protocol and report to the local exchange. 该解决方案通过对FIX协议的接口和会话方式的分析,当接收到QFII的FIX协议请求时,可以通过本解决方案转换为基于本地协议的报文,并报送到本地交易所。
There is good cooperation ability between each node. They finish the global task by the local data exchange. 各个传感器节点之间有良好的协作能力,整个网络的全局任务通过局部的数据交换完成。
With the maturity of the conditions listed overseas, there are many companies which are listed both in the local stock exchange and foreign exchange, the so-called cross-listings. 随着境外上市条件的成熟,出现了很多企业同时在本地交易所和境外交易所上市的情况,即所谓的交叉上市。